Monday 8 October 2012

Well, it's been a while, as Fairport Convention asked; "who knows where  the time goes"? The leaves are turning and there is a nip in the air which means starting to prepare for the Oxford Ceramics Fair which takes place at the end of this month. It's always a great show and I'm looking forward to going down there, showing my work and catching up with folk. I've also been working hard on a book: Kilns and firing, which I've been asked to write by Bloomsbury due for publication in 2014. Lots of researching words and images. Probably sad but I really enjoy this type of activity, it's in one way completely removed from the processes of making objects but very similar in the way that both objects and words can be crafted. I've also finally started to make work for my next firing which will be in early January. The new kiln is much larger than the last so obviously takes longer to fill etc. I have 8 pallets of wood due to be deliverd at the begining of November. I'm planning to fire the kiln for an extra day this time which is heading back up towards the 5 day firings which I used to do,I'm already starting to get excited about the potentials of that.

These pieces stand about 45cm high and have a black engobe and porcelain slip applied, the plan is to loosly pour a dense crackle shino over them and fire them on the firebox ledges. I'll keep you updated :-) Now off to throw large chargers.

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